In this project, we introduce a novel learning rule by applying Rousseeuw's
least trimmed squares (LTS) method to increase the robustness of
feedforward neural networks. The particular paradigm of networks under
consideration is the radial basis function network (RBFN); it has
significant advantages over multilayer perceptrons (MLP), namely faster
convergence, smaller extrapolation errors, higher reliability, and a more
well-developed theoretical analysis.
Similar robust learning rules that have been applied to different
paradigms, for example, MLP and GMDP networks. In order to compensate for
the loss of efficiency, an adaptive version of the proposed learning rule
is developed in an attempt to maximize the robustness and efficiency.
In contrast to most present robust learning rules, our method neither is
dependent upon any assumptions about error distribution nor is it necessary
to estimate the error distribution. More importantly, an upper bound on
the number of outliers that the resulting robust RBFN can withstand is
Robust Radial Basis Function Networks
Radial basis function networks (RBFNs) have increasingly attracted interest
for engineering applications due to their advantages over traditional
multilayer perceptrons, namely faster convergence, smaller extrapolation
errors, and higher reliability. RBFN is a class of single hidden layer
feedforward networks where the activation functions for hidden units are
defined as radially symmetric basis functions phi such as
the Gaussian function.
Each hidden unit forms a localized receptive field in the input
space X, whose centroid is located on c with width
sigma. The fraction of overlap between each hidden unit and its
neighbors is decided by the width sigma such that a smooth
interpolation over the input space is allowed. Therefore, unit i gives
a maximum response for input stimuli close to c.
In general, training RBFNs involves two phases: one is unsupervised
learning (clustering) on the hidden layer to determine N receptive
field centroids in the training data set and the associated widths; the
other is supervised learning on the output layer to estimate the connection
weights w. The output layer simply implements a multiple linear
regression and hence can be trained by the iterative gradient descent
method based on the least squares approach. Much work has been devoted to
improving the learning performance for clustering and determining the
optimal complexity for networks since it plays a critical role in achieving
good approximation precision although the choice of the radial basis
functions is not crucial for performance; for example, see (CHENS-91,
MOOD-89). In contrast to this work, we focus on the issue of enhancing
reliability of RBFNs in the presence of gross errors.
Experimental Results and Analysis
A number of simulations have been conducted to evaluate the efficiency
and the stability against the presence of outliers for the proposed
AR2BF learning rule. Simulation results using the
aforementioned learning rules, namely RBF, R2BF, and
AR2BF rules on the problems of 1-D and 2-D function
approximation will be discussed.

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